What I'm Listening To - April 2020

This was grind time for school, so a lot of my top songs I listened to were slow and calming songs while I was studying or doing work. There are a lot of songs mixed in there that are upbeat and party songs since I was trying to reminisce about being at college and in a frat basement while I sat in my bed at childhood home with my family.

  1. Under the Sun by Dreamville
    1. This song makes me feel so happy and it is super vibey
  2. Pictures of Girls by Wallows
    1. This is my FAVORITE Wallows song. This song is so magical.
  3. Party by Chris Brown
    1. I was trying to remember what it felt like to be in college. Still a bop.
  4. Scrawny by Wallows
    1. Such a good one and also such a vibe.
  5. Electric Feel by MGMT
    1. This song makes me feel like it's summer and I'm happy. Also fun to play in the car with your friends.
  6. Revvin' My Cj7 by Summer Salt
    1. I recently discovered this band, and all their songs have major SUMMER VIBES. This song makes me feel like it's a peaceful, sunny day in the summer where I have no responsibilities.
  7. Sleepwalker by Of Monsters and Men
    1. This is such a catchy song, and it is perfect to listen to in the background while you are doing something.
  8. Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye
    1. I am channeling my middle school self when I listen to this. This makes me feel so many things, I love it. But kind of punches you in the gut.
  9. Natural Affair by The Growlers
    1. Also a good bop to put on while you are doing homework. Super catchy.
  10. Driving to Hawaii by Summer Salt
    1. This song makes me want to drop everything I am doing and move to Hawaii. THE VIBES are immaculate.
